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7 Chip Stocks to Ride the 2024 AI Wave

모둠채소 2024. 8. 19. 12:51

Ride the wave of innovations with these chip stocks


Nvidia (NVDA): Aug. 28 looks to be a big day. Will Nvidia continue its winning streak?

Broadcom (AVGO): Broadcom has a track record of quarterly beats on earnings per share.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSM): TSMC has a 61% market share in the global semiconductor foundry market.

The world is becoming increasingly digital, particularly as artificial intelligence becomes more prominent. At the heart of this transformation are semiconductors and the companies that make them. Chip stocks are an appealing opportunity for investors looking to capitalize on the technology of tomorrow.


Graphics processing units are the key ingredient for powering generative AI applications. As artificial intelligence evolves, the demand for high-performance computing power is also growing.


Semiconductors are the engines driving this revolution, powering complex algorithms that can generate new content, design innovative products, and even predict market trends.


And this no flash in the pan. Chip stocks represent companies that are capitalizing on a fundamental shift that will define the next era of technological advancement.


Granted, the tech industry and chip stocks took a downturn in the last couple of weeks as investor fears of a bubble resurfaced. But I don’t see it that way.


In fact, I see this as an opportunity to capitalize on market weakness and to buy the best chip stocks at a discounted rate.


I’m using the Portfolio Grader to find the best chip stocks that are playing a key role in generative AI. By investing in these chip stocks, you too can ride the wave of innovation into the future.

Nvidia (NVDA)


You can’t talk about chip stocks without first addressing Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA). The company has roughly a 90% market share in making GPUs that power generative AI applications.


Its stock soared over the last two years, and at one point this year was responsible for roughly one-third the return of the S&P 500.


Nvidia stock is down 10% in the last month, but there’s a big date coming up – on Aug. 28, Nvidia will report earnings for its second quarter of fiscal 2025.


If history is any indication, this is a date that will push NVDA stock higher once again.


Nvidia’s 2025 Q1 revenue was up 262% from a year ago. And while that’s an unsustainable growth rate over the long term, Nvidia is still projecting $28 billion in revenue for the quarter. And if can beat those figures, NVDA stock is going to skyrocket again.


But investors should also keep a close eye out for any guidance updates that Nvidia issues. This is a time to be optimistic about Nvidia, but that doesn’t mean being reckless.


NVDA stock is up 134% in the last year and gets an “A” rating in the Portfolio Grader.

이러한 칩 주식으로 혁신의 물결을 타십시오
엔비디아(NVDA): 8월 28일은 중요한 날이 될 것 같습니다. 엔비디아가 연승을 이어갈까요?
Broadcom(AVGO): Broadcom은 분기별 주당 순이익 기록을 보유하고 있습니다.
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSM): TSMC는 세계 반도체 파운드리 시장에서 61%의 시장 점유율을 기록하고 있습니다.

특히 인공지능이 부각되면서 세계는 점점 더 디지털화되고 있습니다. 이 변혁의 핵심에는 반도체와 이를 만드는 회사들이 있습니다. 칩 주식은 미래의 기술을 활용하려는 투자자들에게 매력적인 기회입니다.
그래픽 처리 장치는 생성형 AI 애플리케이션에 동력을 공급하는 핵심 요소입니다. 인공지능이 진화하면서 고성능 컴퓨팅 성능에 대한 수요도 커지고 있습니다.
반도체는 새로운 콘텐츠를 생성하고 혁신적인 제품을 설계하며 시장 트렌드를 예측할 수 있는 복잡한 알고리즘을 작동시키는 이 혁명을 주도하는 엔진입니다.
그리고 이것은 전혀 놀라운 일이 아닙니다. 칩 주식은 다음 기술 발전 시대를 규정할 근본적인 변화에 편승하고 있는 기업들을 나타냅니다.
물론 지난 2주간 기술산업과 칩주들은 거품에 대한 투자자들의 우려가 다시 대두되면서 하락세를 보였습니다. 하지만 저는 그렇게 생각하지 않습니다.
사실 저는 이것을 시장 약세를 활용하고 할인된 가격으로 최고의 칩 주식을 살 수 있는 기회로 보고 있습니다.
저는 포토폴리오 그레이더를 활용해 인공지능에서 핵심적인 역할을 하고 있는 최고의 칩 주식을 찾고 있습니다. 이러한 칩 주식에 투자함으로써 여러분도 미래로 혁신의 물결을 탈 수 있습니다.
엔비디아(NASDAQ:NVDA)를 먼저 언급하지 않고는 칩 주식에 대해 이야기할 수 없습니다. 이 회사는 인공지능 애플리케이션을 구동하는 GPU를 만드는 데 약 90%의 시장 점유율을 가지고 있습니다.
지난 2년 동안 주가가 급등했고, 올해 한때 S&P 500 수익률의 약 3분의 1을 차지했습니다.
엔비디아 주가는 지난 달 10% 하락했지만, 중요한 날짜가 다가오고 있습니다. 8월 28일, 엔비디아는 2025 회계연도 2분기 실적을 발표할 예정입니다.
역사가 알려지면 NVDA 주식을 다시 한 번 상승시킬 날짜입니다.
엔비디아의 2025년 1분기 매출은 1년 전보다 262% 증가했습니다. 그리고 이는 장기적으로 지속 불가능한 성장률이지만, 엔비디아는 여전히 이번 분기에 280억 달러의 매출을 예상하고 있습니다. 그리고 이 수치를 넘어설 수 있다면 NVDA 주가는 다시 급등할 것입니다.
하지만 투자자들은 엔비디아가 발표하는 가이던스 업데이트도 예의주시해야 합니다. 지금은 엔비디아에 대해 낙관적인 시각을 가져야 하지만 그렇다고 무모한 것은 아닙니다.
NVDA 주식은 작년에 134% 상승했으며 포트폴리오 등급에서 "A" 등급을 받았습니다. 




Broadcom (AVGO)

Broadcom’s (NASDAQ:AVGO) products are used for data centers, networking, storage, software, wireless and industrial products. It has an earnings report coming up soon as well, as the company is expected to announce third-quarter results on Sept. 5.


Analysts are expecting Broadcom to report earnings of $1.21 per share. And as Broadcom has a track record of quarterly EPS beats, investors can justifiably anticipate a strong quarter.


Broadcom has been on a winning streak following its acquisition of VMware, which gave Broadcom access to VMware’s hybrid cloud platform to provide corporate customers with the power of a cloud network with data centers on site.


Broadcom also uses Nvidia GPUs to let its customers run AI models, which is critically important for many companies.


Broadcom’s upcoming earnings release should be solid. But as I recently suggested, there’s no need to over-invest in Broadcom stock. Maintain a reasonable position size, just in case high hopes lead to a letdown from Broadcom.


AVGO stock is up 40% this year and gets a “B” rating in the Portfolio Grader.


브로드컴(NASDAQ:AVGO)의 제품은 데이터 센터, 네트워킹, 스토리지, 소프트웨어, 무선 및 산업 제품에 사용됩니다. 브로드컴은 9월 5일에 3분기 실적을 발표할 것으로 예상되기 때문에 곧 실적 보고서도 제출할 예정입니다.
애널리스트들은 브로드컴이 주당 1.21달러의 수익을 발표할 것으로 예상하고 있습니다. 그리고 브로드컴이 분기별 주당순이익을 상회하는 실적을 기록하고 있기 때문에 투자자들은 충분히 강력한 분기를 예상할 수 있습니다.
Broadcom은 VMware를 인수한 후 계속해서 상승세를 보이고 있으며, Broadcom은 VMware의 하이브리드 클라우드 플랫폼에 액세스하여 기업 고객에게 현장에 데이터 센터를 갖춘 클라우드 네트워크의 성능을 제공할 수 있게 되었습니다.
Broadcom은 또한 Nvidia GPU를 사용하여 고객이 AI 모델을 실행할 수 있도록 하며, 이는 많은 회사에서 매우 중요합니다.
곧 발표될 브로드컴의 실적 발표는 탄탄할 것입니다. 하지만 최근에 제안했듯이 브로드컴 주식에 과도하게 투자할 필요는 없습니다. 브로드컴의 실망으로 이어질 것을 대비하여 합리적인 포지션을 유지하세요.
AVGO 주식은 올해 40% 상승했고 포트폴리오 그레이더에서 "B" 등급을 받았습니다.







Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSM)

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (NYSE:TSM), also known as TSMC, is just as essential to generative AI as Nvidia. I don’t think you can understate the company’s contributions.


While Nvidia and other semiconductor companies are responsible for creating and designing GPUs, they don’t actually make them. That’s the responsibility of fabricators like TSMC, which is the most prominent semiconductor fabricator in the world.


TSMC has a 61% market share in the global semiconductor foundry market. Demand for its services is increasing as companies such as Nvidia design more powerful chips for TSM to produce.


It’s also a good bet for investors who are looking to hedge their bets amid increasing geopolitical tensions between the U.S. and China.


Chip companies in China are designing less-powerful processors specifically so they can retain TSMC as a chip producer, according to published reports.


TSMC is increasing its investment in Arizona, where it agreed in April to use $6.6 billion in CHIPS Act funding to build a third fabrication plant in the Phoenix area.


For July, TSMC reported 45% year-over-year growth. That comes off a strong second quarter earnings report that included revenue of $20.82 billion, up 32.8% from last year.


TSM stock is up 65% this year and gets a “B” rating in the Portfolio Grader.


Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (NYSE:TSM)은 Nvidia와 마찬가지로 생성 AI에 필수적인 요소입니다. 회사의 기여를 과소평가할 수는 없다고 생각합니다.
엔비디아를 비롯한 반도체 회사들이 GPU를 만들고 설계하는 책임이 있지만 실제로는 만들지 않습니다. 그것은 세계에서 가장 저명한 반도체 제조업체인 TSMC와 같은 제조업체의 책임입니다.
TSMC는 전 세계 반도체 파운드리 시장에서 61%의 시장 점유율을 기록하고 있습니다. 엔비디아와 같은 회사들이 TSM이 생산할 수 있는 더 강력한 칩을 설계하면서 자사 서비스에 대한 수요가 증가하고 있습니다.
미중 간 지정학적 긴장이 고조되는 가운데 베팅을 헤지하려는 투자자들에게도 좋은 베팅입니다.
공개된 보고서에 따르면 중국의 칩 회사들은 TSMC를 칩 생산업체로 유지할 수 있도록 전력이 덜한 프로세서를 특별히 설계하고 있습니다.
TSMC는 지난 4월 피닉스 지역에 제3의 제조 공장을 건설하는 데 칩스법 자금 66억 달러를 사용하기로 합의한 애리조나주에 대한 투자를 늘리고 있습니다.
7월 TSMC는 전년 동기 대비 45%의 성장을 기록했습니다. 이는 지난해보다 32.8% 증가한 208억 2천만 달러의 매출을 포함한 강력한 2분기 실적 보고서입니다.
TSM 주가는 올해 65% 상승했으며 포트폴리오 등급에서 "B" 등급을 받았습니다.



Micron Technology (MU)

Micron Technology (NASDAQ:MU) makes products for memory and storage technologies, including DRAM, NAND and NOR technology. But its place on this list of chip stocks with a hand in AI is won for its partnership with Nvidia.


Micron makes the world’s leading High-Bandwidth Memory 3E, or HMB3E, architecture.


It provides higher bandwidth than previous generations of memory, while being smaller and using less energy. Nvidia uses the HBM3E architecture in its latest graphics processing units, including the new H200.


The company also recently announced the development of PCIe Gen6 data center solid-state drive technology as part of its portfolio of memory and storage products to support increased demand for AI.


SSD drives represent the new generation of storage devices in computers because they have transfer data faster than hard disk drives while also having shorter boot times and increased bandwidth.


Micron created a chip that operates AI applications in Lenovo (OTCMKTS:LNVGY) laptops. The chip will be used in Lenovo’s ThinkPad P1 Gen 7 laptops.


The company’s innovations are reflected in its earnings reports. Earnings for the fiscal third quarter of 2024 showed revenue of $6.8 billion versus $3.75 billion in the same quarter a year ago.


MU stock is up 14% this year and gets a “B” rating in the Portfolio Grader.

마이크론 테크놀로지(NASDAQ:MU)는 DRAM, NAND 및 NOR 기술을 포함한 메모리 및 스토리지 기술을 위한 제품을 생산합니다. 하지만 이 칩 주식 목록에서 AI에 손을 잡은 자리는 엔비디아와의 파트너십 덕분에 얻은 것입니다.
마이크론은 세계 최고의 고대역폭 메모리 3E, 즉 HMB3E 아키텍처를 만듭니다.
그것은 더 작고 더 적은 에너지를 사용하면서 이전 세대의 메모리보다 더 높은 대역폭을 제공합니다. 엔비디아는 새로운 H200을 포함한 최신 그래픽 처리 장치에 HBM3E 아키텍처를 사용합니다.
이 회사는 또한 최근 AI 수요 증가를 지원하기 위한 메모리 및 스토리지 제품 포트폴리오의 일환으로 PCIe Gen6 데이터 센터 솔리드 스테이트 드라이브 기술 개발을 발표했습니다.
SSD 드라이브는 하드 디스크 드라이브보다 빠르게 데이터를 전송하는 동시에 부팅 시간이 짧고 대역폭이 증가하기 때문에 컴퓨터에서 새로운 세대의 스토리지 장치를 나타냅니다.
마이크론(Micron)은 레노버(OTCMKTS:LNVGY) 노트북에서 AI 응용 프로그램을 작동하는 칩을 만들었습니다. 이 칩은 레노버의 씽크패드 P1 Gen 7 노트북에 사용될 것입니다.
회사의 혁신은 실적 보고서에 반영됩니다. 2024 회계연도 3분기 실적은 전년 동기 37억 5천만 달러 대비 68억 달러의 매출을 보였습니다.
MU 주식은 올해 14% 상승했고 포트폴리오 그레이더에서 "B" 등급을 받았습니다.



Applied Optoelectronics (AAOI)


Now we are getting into some smaller companies on our list. But they still are strong AI plays, and it’s important for any portfolio to be diversified. After all, it doesn’t make sense to put all of your holdings into Nvidia or TSM.


One chip stock to consider closely is Applied Optoelectronics (NASDAQ:AAOI). The Texas-based company makes and supplies fiber-optic networking products, including diode lasers, photodiodes, subassemblies and more. Its customers are in China, Taiwan and the U.S., and its products are used in data centers and telecom products.


Revenue in the second quarter was $43.2 million, up from $41.6 million a year ago. But notably, data center revenue was up to $34.3 million from $27.5 million.


That’s because the company put more resources into that growing field and less into telecom and CATV – both of which saw shrinking revenue for the quarter.


I like AAOI as long as Applied Optoelectronics continues to focus on its data center growth. And the third quarter is expected to see even better results, as the company is guiding for revenue between $60 million and $66 million for Q3.


AAOI is deeply discounted right now, off 58% for the year, but I’m projecting a much better second half. It gets a “B” rating in the Portfolio Grader.


이제 우리는 목록에 있는 몇 개의 작은 회사에 참여하고 있습니다. 하지만 그들은 여전히 강력한 인공지능 플레이이며 모든 포트폴리오를 다각화하는 것이 중요합니다. 결국 보유 지분을 모두 엔비디아나 TSM에 투자하는 것은 말이 되지 않습니다.
면밀히 고려해야 할 칩 재고 중 하나는 Applied OptoElectronics (NASDAQ: AAOI)입니다. 텍사스에 본사를 둔 이 회사는 다이오드 레이저, 포토다이오드, 서브어셈블리 등을 포함한 광섬유 네트워킹 제품을 만들고 공급합니다. 고객은 중국, 대만 및 미국에 있으며 제품은 데이터 센터 및 통신 제품에 사용됩니다.
2분기 매출은 4,320만 달러로 1년 전 4,160만 달러에서 증가했습니다. 하지만 특히 데이터 센터 매출은 2,750만 달러에서 3,430만 달러로 증가했습니다.
이는 회사가 성장하는 이 분야에 더 많은 리소스를 투입하고 통신 및 CATV에는 더 적은 리소스를 투입했기 때문입니다. 이 두 분야 모두 분기 매출이 감소했습니다.
저는 Applied OptoElectronics가 데이터 센터 성장에 계속 집중하는 한 AAOI를 좋아합니다. 그리고 3분기에는 6천만 달러에서 6천 6백만 달러 사이의 매출을 올릴 것으로 예상되기 때문에 더욱 좋은 결과가 나올 것으로 예상됩니다.
AAOI는 현재 올해 58% 할인된 가격으로 대폭 할인되고 있지만, 저는 하반기가 훨씬 더 나아질 것으로 예상하고 있습니다. 포트폴리오 등급에서 "B" 등급을 받고 있습니다.








AXT (NASDAQ:AXTI) makes high-performance compound and single element semiconductor substrate wafers that are used when a typical silicon wafer substrate cannot meet the performance requirements of a semiconductor or optoelectronic device.


Its products are used in 5G infrastructure, data center connectivity, passive optical networks, LED lighting, lasers, sensors, power amplifiers for wireless devices and satellite solar cells.


Like Taiwan Semiconductor, AXT is a good chip stock for investors who are looking to hedge their bets with companies that have a foothold in both China and the U.S.


While AXT is based in California, its Chinese subsidiary Tongmei has similar functions and products to serve the Chinese market.


Earnings for the second quarter included revenue of $27.9 million, up from $18.6 million a year ago. The company reported an operating loss of $1.9 million, but that was greatly improved from its loss of $6.8 million in Q2 2023.


AXTI is down less than 1% for the year, showing significant volatility. It currently has a “B” rating in the Portfolio Grader.

AXT(NASDAQ: AXTI)는 일반적인 실리콘 웨이퍼 기판이 반도체 또는 광전자 소자의 성능 요구 사항을 충족할 수 없을 때 사용되는 고성능 화합물 및 단일 원소 반도체 기판 웨이퍼를 제조합니다.
자사 제품은 5G 인프라, 데이터 센터 연결, 수동 광학 네트워크, LED 조명, 레이저, 센서, 무선 장치용 전력 증폭기 및 위성 태양 전지에 사용됩니다.
대만 반도체와 마찬가지로 AXT는 중국과 미국에 거점을 두고 있는 기업과의 베팅을 헤지하려는 투자자들에게 좋은 칩 주식입니다.
AXT는 캘리포니아에 본사를 두고 있지만 중국 자회사인 통메이는 중국 시장에 서비스하기 위해 유사한 기능과 제품을 보유하고 있습니다.
2분기 실적에는 2,790만 달러의 매출이 포함되어 1년 전의 1,860만 달러보다 증가했습니다. 회사는 190만 달러의 영업 손실을 보고했지만, 이는 2023년 2분기의 680만 달러 손실보다 크게 개선되었습니다.
AXTI는 올해 들어 1% 미만 하락하며 상당한 변동성을 보이고 있습니다. 현재 포트폴리오 등급에서 "B" 등급을 받고 있습니다.







Alpha and Omega Semiconductor (AOSL)


Alpha and Omega Semiconductor (NASDAQ:AOSL) is a California company that supplies, designs and develops power semiconductors, which control motors and lighting systems. Power semiconductors can handle high voltage levels and are optimized to minimize power loss and quickly dissipate heat.


The company has more than 2,300 products to serve automotive, cloud, computing, consumer and industrial customers. Its products are for portable computers, graphic cards, flat-panel TVs, etc.


We are excited about opportunities in A.I. and we are working on multiple prospects,” CEO Stephen Chang said in a statement. “Looking to the next cycle, we are poised for growth, bolstered by advanced technology, a diversified product portfolio addressing a broadening array of end markets, and a premier customer base across all business lines.”


Earnings for the fiscal fourth quarter of 2024 (ending June 30) included revenue of $161.3 million, up from $150.1 million a year ago. The company reduced its quarterly losses to $1.5 million and 9 cents per share from a loss of $10.5 million and 39 cents per share.


AOSL stock is up 38% this year and gets a “B” rating in the Portfolio Grader.


On the date of publication, Louis Navellier had a long position in NVDA. Louis Navellier did not have (either directly or indirectly) any other positions in the securities mentioned in this article.


The InvestorPlace Research Staff member primarily responsible for this article had a long position in NVDA but did not have (either directly or indirectly) any other positions in the securities mentioned in this article. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer, subject to the InvestorPlace.com Publishing Guidelines.

Alpha and Omega Semiconductor (NASDAQ: AOSL)는 모터와 조명 시스템을 제어하는 전력 반도체를 공급, 설계 및 개발하는 캘리포니아 회사입니다. 전력 반도체는 높은 전압 수준을 처리할 수 있으며 전력 손실을 최소화하고 빠르게 열을 방출하도록 최적화되어 있습니다.
이 회사는 자동차, 클라우드, 컴퓨팅, 소비자 및 산업 고객에게 서비스를 제공하는 2,300개 이상의 제품을 보유하고 있습니다. 이 회사의 제품은 휴대용 컴퓨터, 그래픽 카드, 평판 TV 등을 위한 것입니다.
CEO Stephen Chang은 성명서에서 "우리는 AI에서의 기회에 대해 흥분하고 있으며 다양한 전망을 위해 노력하고 있습니다"라고 말했습니다. "다음 사이클을 바라보면서, 우리는 첨단 기술, 광범위한 최종 시장을 다루는 다양한 제품 포트폴리오, 그리고 모든 비즈니스 라인에 걸친 최고의 고객 기반에 힘입어 성장할 준비가 되어 있습니다."
2024 회계연도 4분기(6월 30일 종료)의 수익에는 1년 전의 1억 5010만 달러보다 증가한 1억 6130만 달러의 수익이 포함되었습니다. 이 회사는 1,050만 달러와 39센트의 손실에서 분기별 손실을 주당 150만 달러와 9센트로 줄였습니다.
AOSL 주식은 올해 38% 상승했고 포트폴리오 그레이더에서 "B" 등급을 받았습니다.
발행일에 Louis Navellier는 NVDA에서 긴 직책을 맡았습니다. Louis Navellier는 이 기사에 언급된 증권에서 직접적으로 또는 간접적으로 다른 직책을 맡지 않았습니다.
이 기사를 주로 담당하는 InvestorPlace Research Staff 직원은 NVDA에서 오랜 직책을 맡았지만 이 기사에 언급된 증권에서 (직간접적으로) 다른 직책을 맡지 않았습니다. 이 기사에 표현된 의견은 InvestorPlace.com 출판 가이드라인의 적용을 받는 작성자의 의견입니다.


